My experience i…


My experience in the music and recording industry is little to none, however a couple of months ago I had the amazing opportunity to get a close up look into that world. How I got there is for another blog, for now I wanna tell you about Cold Clock Productions.

I would call it a labor of love. Cold Clock Productions, a place of artistic vibe and an essence of creativity. A place where recording artist can express their medium. Well, that’s my impression anyway.

Listening to music that has been produced by CCP and I come to one conclusion…excellence! The quality, attention to detail, the many layers each separate but together, equal EXCELLENCE.


Brian Rowland, a graduate of Berklee College of Music and Kyle Layng, a graduate of The Seattle Institute of Art, are Cold Clock Productions. Two friends who brought their passion to music together and created a place where they can live their dream.

Brian told me that he always wanted a band to be named Cold Clock, but that band never came to life, instead it was given to their recording studio in Tacoma.

–Kyle Layng says,“We strive to provide artists with professional quality sound while maintaining an affordable price”

“We’ve worked very hard to put together a chill, vibed-out, but professional environment where artists can feel comfortable writing and creating to the best of their ability,” says Brian Rowland.

Cold Clock Productions is more than a recording studio-it’s a portal into the underground music scene. Solid beats, amazing timing, clarity, intoxicating lyrics and most importantly, soul. These are the ingredients that make good songs. Kyle and Brian are the genius minds that put them all together, and make good songs great.



Wow!  I didn’t think it would happen this soon.  I got writers block. Up till now, I would sit down to at the key board and with little to no effort each blog came to life.  Kinda ironic, that having writers block gave me something to write about.  Being tired probably has something to do with having a block.  I’ve been working an ass load of overtime, which SUCKS, but that is changing soon.  Well, that’s it for now.  My next blog should be more exciting.  : )