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where you stand

This morning I’m listening to Sky Pilot, and reminded of Mother Love Bone, Pearl Jam, Nirvana, and other local Seattle bands of the 90s. But I’m also reminded of early punk bands, like The Knack.
The combination of Seattle grunge, punk, and hip hop come together and become Sky Pilot. I’m excited to know that a new album is in the works.


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Sky’s the limit

Sky’s the limit.

Sky’s the limit

Sky’s the limit.

where you stand

Only a small percentage of us actually do what we love for a living, the rest only dream about it. This blog is dedicated to sharing some of those people with you.

My name is Scott Clark. I’m a career warehouseman with dreams of more than what I am. I travel, write, snowboard, eat, and crave more. My greatest teacher is my son, I learn from him daily, we grow together. I am joined by my wife, Kanitta, through this wonderful journey.

Make your mark, or how Steve Jobs said it “leave your dent in the universe”. My goal is to inspire and motivate you, and by doing so I hope to leave my mark.

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I love my state of  Washington.  It’s clean and green and filled with lots of friendly people.  I have lived here all my life.  My whole family is from Seattle in fact.  Over the years, one by one we all left Seattle for smaller country life.  I still visit the city every chance I get.  I love Washington and it’s beauty, but I feel it is time to move.  This feeling has been getting stronger and stronger over the years.  I think I have the travel bug.  My thoughts are in a warmer climate, maybe Arizona, or New Mexico.

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From march 2011


Lately I’ve been thinking about what my dad would have been like. You see, I never knew him. I look around in my family and I just don’t seem to be like anything like them. I am unique, a dreamer, and not sure where I get it from. Is it possible to be like someone with out ever knowing them? Not sure. I’m not trying to discount what my other father figures did for me, but this is something that is on my mind. Maybe I’m just the best of all of them put together. But all the same, I am unique.

Thank You

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Is there a calling for me?  I think I’m listening.  So many I ideas run through my head, its hard to keep track of them.  Are you listening to the universe?  What is it saying.  What is your gut telling you.  I think that there is a calling for all of us, we just have to listen.  But where do we listen? What do we listen to?  How should we listen?  The answer is not alway clear, but it is there.  And it is not the same for all of us. 

If you are listening.  Do what you love.  Because if you don’t, you are not serving the world.

Thank you

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I heard a remarkable tale of courage today.  It was on one of my podcast that I listen to.  Two young people made the difficult choice of leaving a hateful life.  They had been brought up to believe that god is a hateful being.  It’s hard for me to explain it, but the story I heard was both sad and inspiring at the same time.   I think about the choices I have to make now, and they don’t seem as hard compared to their’s.  They had to choose to leave the only world that they knew.  

I find a lot of inspiring stories at

Thanks everybody.

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When I’m at work I usually listen to my iPod.  Today was a different story.  I broke my ear buds, which gave me the opportunity to be mindful about my job and work environment.  I don’t hate my job, but I now realize that I belong somewhere else.  You see, listening to my music and or podcasts was a way to escape from reality.   This gave me the incentive to pursue my dream career. 

Thank You

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Over a month since my last blog. It’s almost like I was avoiding it. Why? Don’t know, but I’m writing now. The last month has been an amazing one. I’ve proved that if I set my mind to something that I can get it done. Just a month ago I set out to find my dad. Huh. Only a month? Seems like decades ago. But that was the start of it all. In just a short two week we will be meeting face to face. The anticipation is indescribable. I have also nocked one more thing off of my list of to do’s. Snowboarding in the summer is now checked off. My family and I are also getting ready for a big move, that too is on my to do list. I wanna say more but I promised that I wouldn’t write about it until we have moved completely.

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